Can the Cigarette Ban in the United Kingdom Force Bingo Enthusiasts On to the Internet?


Posted by Jace | Posted in Bingo | Posted on 22-12-2015

[ English ]

A lot has been stated in the press recently about the bingo industry being hit because of the smoking ban in Britain. Conditions have become so bad that in Scotland the Bingo industry has called for massive aid to help keep the industry alive. However can the web variation of this classic game provide a lifeline, or will it not compare to its land based peer?

Bingo is an ancient game generally played by the "blue haired" generation. In any case the game lately had seen a recent comeback in popularity with younger members of society opting to go to the bingo parlours rather than the clubs on a Friday night. This is all about to get flipped on its head with the enforcement of the cigarette ban across United Kingdom.

Players will no longer be permitted to puff on cigarettes while marking numbers. Starting in the summer of 2007 all public areas will not be allowed to permit cigarettes in their locations and this includes Bingo parlours, one of the most common areas where players enjoy smoking.

The results of the smoking ban can already be seen in Scotland where cigarettes are already forbidden in the bingo parlours. Numbers have plummeted and the business is beyond a doubt fighting for to stay alive. But where did the players go? Obviously they have not abandoned this age old game?

The answer is on the net. Players are now realizing that they can play bingo using their computer at the same time enjoying a beverage and cig and still have a chance at monstrous cash rewards. This is a recent anomaly and has happened bordering on perfect with the anti cigarette law.

Of course gambling on online is unlikely to replace the communal aspect of heading over to the bingo parlour, but for a group of players the governing edicts have left many bingo enthusiasts with no choice.

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