Can the Anti Smoking Law in Britain Drive Bingo Enthusiasts On to the Internet?


Posted by Jace | Posted in Bingo | Posted on 19-05-2024

A lot has been reported in the press recently regarding the bingo industry being hurt as a result of the cigarette ban in Britain. Things have grown so poor that in Scotland the Bingo industry has requested massive tax breaks to help keep the businesses from going bankrupt. But can the online version of this traditional game present a escape, or might it in no way compare to its land based relative?

Bingo has been an age old game usually played by the "blue haired" generation. However the game recently had seen a recent increase in popularity with younger men and women deciding to go to the bingo parlors in place of the discos on a Friday night. This is all about to be reversed with the enforcement of the anti smoking law all over United Kingdom.

No longer will players be permitted to smoke while marking numbers. Starting in the summer of 2007 all public locations will no longer be allowed to permit smoking in their buildings and this includes Bingo parlours, one of the most popular locations where many people like to smoke.

The outcome of the smoking ban can already be looked at in Scotland where cigarettes are already forbidden in the bingo parlors. Players have plunged and the industry is beyond a doubt fighting for its life. But where have all the players gone? Surely they have not given up on this established game?

The answer is on the net. Players are now realizing that they can participate in bingo using their computer while enjoying a drink and fag and in the end, enjoy huge cash rewards. This is a recent development and has happened almost perfectly with the anti cigarette law.

Of course betting on on the web could never replace the social portion of going down to the bingo parlour, but for a group of men and women the law has left a lot of bingo enthusiasts with no option.

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